Jumat, 20 November 2009

Confidential Report

Company D has been a supplier for 9 months and has supplied goods on a thirty days credit to limit of £2,000. They report that the Hotel is normally pays after second reminder.

(Business Communication P.38)

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Asking for an extension of credit(page 41)

Dear Mrs. Angelina

Ref. Your letter 11.11. JH/ch

Thank you for your letter of November 11th. We fully appreciate your concern, and would like to assure you that we shall endeavour to settle our account with you int the immediate future. We wish make an alternative suggestion. We would like payments by instalment within 6 months plus interest.

As you know, there have been problems with our debtors, they are slow to pay. But there have been resolved, we have recently negotiated a substantial contract for a series of conferences to bo held throughout the coming year.

In view of all these prospects we are confident that we shall be able to clear any outstanding debts.

Thank you for your assistance and patience, also for the excellent service your company has given us in the past.

Yours sincerelly,


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Rabu, 18 November 2009

Bahaya Rokok

Racun pada Rokok

Rokok mengandung kurang lebih 4000 elemen-elemen, dan setidaknya 200 diantaranya dinyatakan berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Racun utama pada rokok adalah tar, nikotin, dan karbon monoksida.

* Tar adalah substansi hidrokarbon yang bersifat lengket dan menempel pada paru-paru.
* Nikotin adalah zat adiktif yang mempengaruhi syaraf dan peredaran darah. Zat ini bersifat karsinogen, dan mampu memicu kanker paru-paru yang mematikan.
* Karbon monoksida adalah zat yang mengikat hemoglobin dalam darah, membuat darah tidak mampu mengikat oksigen.

Efek Racun

Efek racun pada rokok ini membuat pengisap asap rokok mengalami resiko (dibanding yang tidak mengisap asap rokok):

* 14x menderita kanker paru-paru, mulut, dan tenggorokan
* 4x menderita kanker esophagus
* 2x kanker kandung kemih
* 2x serangan jantung

Rokok juga meningkatkan resiko kefatalan bagi penderita pneumonia dan gagal jantung, serta tekanan darah tinggi.

Batas Aman

Menggunakan rokok dengan kadar nikotin rendah tidak akan membantu, karena untuk mengikuti kebutuhan akan zat adiktif itu, perokok cenderung menyedot asap rokok secara lebih keras, lebih dalam, dan lebih lama.


sumber : http://rokok.komunikasi.org/artikel
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Senin, 02 November 2009

An Informal letters congratulations

Dear Judith,

I have just heard the splendid news about your Fulbright Scholarship. I was very glad to hear this news. I know how hard yo have worked until you won that Scholarship and you certainly deserve it. I am proud of you because a Fulbright Scholarship is a prestigious American scholarship. Well, the point is I just want to say congratulate to you and success to you.

Yours sincerely,

Gadis Cahya Mulia

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